Our Services

Served by our professional sales and marketing team, well versed in product knowledge and proficient in the sales and marketing of IVD devices and POCT products, we work towards fulfilling your needs and ensuring you a pleasant customer experience, aligned with our solution-focused selling and customer-centric system.

For any product inquiries, contact us at:

Regulatory Affairs

Continuous Medical Education (CME)

We provide educational talks and workshops with an aim to maintain, develop, and increase awareness, knowledge, skills, and performance amongst healthcare professionals.

Sales and Marketing

Service & Maintenance

Our experienced and competent technical support team works 24×7 around the clock to offer immediate solutions should you encounter any issue while using our product. Contact our 24/7 Service Centre Hotline at +60 17-891 5700 and receive support within 2 hours.

Sales and Marketing

Regulatory Affairs

We are devoted in protecting public health by adhering to the safety and efficacy regulatory and requirement as governed by the Medical Device Authority and Ministry of Health. All our products are GDPMD certified.

We are a team of passionate members who wants to make an impact on global healthcare!
